Implementasi Metode WMA, SMA, dan DES Dalam menentukan Jumlah Stok

  • Muhammad Aldy Fadhli Robby Universitas STIKUBANK Semarang
  • Rina Candra Noor Santi Universitas STIKUBANK Semarang
Keywords: Forecast, WMA, SMA, DES, MSE

Abstract Store is engaged in selling printer ink. The problem faced is difficult to determine the amount of stock to meet customer needs and not cause accumulation of goods for a long time. With the above problems, a forecasting application was made using the Java programming language with the WMA, SMA, and DES methods. The WMA method is assigned a different weight for each available past historical data, SMA is a value smoothing forecasting method by taking a group of observed values ​​and looking for the average, DES processes smoothing twice. Where each data is given a weight symbol. The magnitude of is 0 to 1. From the 3 methods, it is known that the average MSE of each method is WMA : 102,898.57, SMA : 89,579,446 and DES : 87,156,989. The method with the smallest MSE average is the most appropriate method to use.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Aldy Fadhli Robby and Rina Candra Noor Santi, “Implementasi Metode WMA, SMA, dan DES Dalam menentukan Jumlah Stok”, ELKOM, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 310- 318, Dec. 2022.