Implementasi Aplikasi Berbasis Website Rental Kendaraan Berbasis PHP & MYSQL

  • Riyan Nugraha Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Rudi Nurwanto Universitas Singaperabangsa Karawang
  • Erwantoro Universitas Singaperabangsa Karawang
Keywords: technology, applications, web services


Information technology is a very important means of
information for a company. Information is expected
to facilitate work or activities to achieve goals
optimally. With the increasing popularity of the
internet, many business fields, especially large-scale
ones, have provided online services, but this is not
the case for small and medium-sized businesses such
as the car rental business, by utilizing web services
that contain information and ordering applications, it
is hoped that they will become promotional media
and will expedite the ordering process. The research
method used in building a rental car booking
application with web services is by means of needs
analysis, system design, database design, and screen
dialog design.

How to Cite
Riyan Nugraha, Rudi Nurwanto, and Erwantoro, “Implementasi Aplikasi Berbasis Website Rental Kendaraan Berbasis PHP & MYSQL”, ELKOM, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 319 - 329, Dec. 2022.