Analisis Sentimen Bahasa Indonesia Pada Tempat Wisata Di Kabupaten Sukabumi Dengan Naive Bayes Classifier

  • Boby Rizki Atmadja Universitas Muhammadiyah Sukabumi
Keywords: Analysis, Sentiment, Bayes, Tourism


Sentiment analysis of comments from visitors to tourist attractions and the public on tourist attractions in Sukabumi Regency which is one of the areas with various categories of tourist objects and is a sector of economic income for the surrounding community or for related parties such as the government and managers, in sentiment analysis research This includes using the Nave Bayes classification algorithm to examine the sentiment of tourist visitors and the performance of the classification model used. The data used in this research was taken from the website from Tripadvisor and Google Maps using a crawling technique, which then processed the data by a pre-processing process and then applied a classification to the data and got a sentiment visualization by processing word frequency on tourist visitor sentiment data. The results of the accuracy of the model used were re-tested with the k-fold cross validation method and the results of sentiment visualization got the frequency of words that most often appear on negative sentiment labels are garbage, beaches, lacking, places, roads, parking, dirty, entering, caring, clean , expensive, pay, manage, good and water.


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How to Cite
B. R. Atmadja, “Analisis Sentimen Bahasa Indonesia Pada Tempat Wisata Di Kabupaten Sukabumi Dengan Naive Bayes Classifier”, ELKOM, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 371 - 382, Dec. 2022.